ReversED is an event The Lean Lab, an incubator for innovative solutions in education, creates. Five local school system leaders pitched their problems: Participants collaborated to design the solutions….. in 24 hours!
New teams were formed by problem/solution.
Sometimes the teams were made up entirely of people who didn’t know each other.
Strategically Playful organized creativity energizers and group mind activators for teams and individuals who could benefit from playful challenges.
One activity we facilitated developed “group mind” – a sensitivity to everyone in the group.
The video above shows what can happen during one of those exercises.
Participant comments include those below:
“Great intro to points of view and crative/critical thinking. It revealed my weakness for patterns and quick reactions.”
“After the session I felt energized, excited, more happy and ready to go do something.” #toomuchfun
” Took me to a fun place! : ) Nice Break!”
“Fun and Interactive!”